Our Products

  About Us

CHHAYA ENTERPRISES is in the field of manufacturing quality food processing equipments and other fabricated products as per customers' specifications for last 25 years & has garnered a lot of esteem and reputation for itself in the field of pharmaceutical machines.

All of our products are custom-engineered to our customers' specifications. We are extremely particular regarding the quality of our products. With such a vast experience, we are now able to understand the expectations of our customers before hand and try our level best to encompass their expectations. We have adopted stringent quality measures that are practiced from the initial stage of production.
Our facility is providing quality products to OEMs for last two decades without compromising quality & matching delivery dead lines. We give prime importance to trust transparency and maintenance of cordial relations with our clients
We are backed by the strong foundation of our profound infrastructure. Our factories are well equipped with machine shop, fabrication shop, assembly section, buffing & polishing section.

Why Us? 
Our comprehensive rangeof products finds wide application in several pharmaceutical machines. With ourtrustworthy and timely service, we have carved our niche in both the domesticand as well as international marketplace. We furnish superior quality productsin most effective cost and scheduled time. 

Some of our USP's are: 

  • International quality standards 
  • Well furnished manufacturing unit 
  • Customized production facility 
  • Timely delivery of goods 
  • Cost-effectiveness

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